Likewise, the man isn't religious. But the man recognizes God's Hand in His generous gifts that have subtly shaped his life. The man and I are acutely aware of the many blessings that have warmed our lives.
It was an unequivocal decision that our honeymoon would be spent working on charity projects in either Borneo, Cambodia or Laos. We need to do further research on the specific nature of the projects and define the requirements involved. For once, instead of upping and hopping off with a Lonely Planet guide, we've to sit down and plan a trip.
We understand just how lucky we are in so many ways. It wouldn't be right for The Lunch to go by without acknowledging God's merciful grace that has lit our paths.
The man and I agreed that a reading of a thanksgiving prayer after the ceremonies was essential. It was important to us that on this day, together with our friends, we gave thanks to all that is wonderful, to the trials and tribulations of life, and, to love.
As lunch was served, the man led the table to say grace.