Monday, November 30, 2009


For those who travel alot for work, tell me it's a pleasing sight to see your Singapore Airlines plane cruise into the terminal (Ho Chi Minh City, in this instance) 15 minutes before its scheduled arrival. It meant that it had plenty of time to turn the plane around for its return flight to Singapore with us on board.

As I did a little jig of happiness upon seeing the plane, I realized that this is my last work trip for the calendar year. Hurrah! I don't mind travelling for work at all. It keeps my edges sharp. I find it refreshing, although the dual shifts of meetings, dinners (drinking) and emails can be a little draining.

On work trips, I'm quite happy wandering around alone. When there is stable internet connection for company, I don't exactly miss home or the man. Hahah. The man and I are quite fine with each other's travelling. He's happy that I'm not around to bug him about the volume of his tv and guitars. It's pretty cool to have good long stretch of solitude. Although often, I miss the conveniences of home (clean hot powerful rainshowerhead, clean air-conditioners, plenty of clothing choices, etc). And depending on my location, I might miss the food at home of course.

After landing at Changi Airport on a Singapore Airlines flight, the almost mechanical sounding "For Singapore residents, a warm welcome home" never fails to put a smile on my face. Some stewardesses who are more eloquent and put effort into saying the same words do manage to elucidate a warm feeling of happiness. I'm not shy to say it- I like Singapore Airlines. VERY MUCH. Wherever and whenever possible, I will fly on Singapore Airlines for both work and personal trips.

Ahhhh....back to all the usual comforts and humdrum. Not too shabby at all.


tuti said...

welcome home, imp.
glad you had a safe trip. nothing can be taken for granted these days. :)

kikare said...

When D has a day off during the week, I try to leave the flat so that he has time to be home alone and turn the stereo's volume up. One evening when he was out with his mates, I inserted a CD into the player. Without thinking much I just pressed PLAY. Then I walked away and had to rush to the stereo to turn down the volume (luckily that particular song has a soft intro...)! Holy cow talk about waking our elderly neighbours...
Later I asked what he was listening to that required top volume. And the answer was: Wagner.
*roll eyes and die*

sinlady said...

SQ then now and always YES!! i'm with you abt our carrier in every aspect. cabin crew always always does the best it can for passengers no matter the passenger load or time of day or length of flight.

imp said...

tuti: thanks!

kikare: a word of advice then- NEVER turn on anything by Mogwai at full volume. Never. You can do Bach at full volume. Heeeee.

sinlady: YES!!! YAYY! and i only learnt that after being on OTHER airlines. *shudder*