Since the man was on a cooking streak, we called the friends over for dinner.
The man decided to be adventurous and do a Japanese menu. Asian food's not his forte. But he wanted to try those that he felt he could. Nothing fancy, just simple cooked food. We went to the supermarket. He disappeared amongst the shelves while I zoomed off elsewhere to buy umbrellas and look at shoes.
All afternoon, there were delicious soup-like smells wafting from the kitchen. In the big pot, there was oden (Japanese stew). Big slabs of miso cod had been earlier marinated and sat grilling in the oven. The man fried up some mentaiko pasta. There was good old Japanese rice boiling in the cooker. There was also a beef salad that came with an unexpectedly tasty spicy ginger and vinegar dressing.
The friends loved the man's experiments! They especially enjoyed the oden. The man is watching a concert of The Pixies on dvd and feeling really happy now.
Dessert was, unfortunately, store bought. The rich nutella cake and marscapone cheesecake from Da Paolo's deli were adequate. 2 big squares of cakes to share among 8 of us. Both cakes were rich, so a nibble for each was more than enough. Feeling really healthy now.
The point of the evening was also to check out the first episode of V, the remake. Don't know what to make of it yet. So can't wait for more episodes to compare to those we saw when we were children!

i miss making simple japanese dinners. wufu salad should be quick n easy.
man, u kids r too young to remember the original V.
cavalock: dude, we were in primary school then! we WATCHED the original!
wonderful meal at home with the friends. lovely way to spend the weekend.
V.. ah, i remember sticking my tongue out quite a bit during then, heh. we're easily scared in the early days. easy-to-please audience during that era.
O.o -> u'll know why on tues!
is oden the same as sukiyaki? I LOVE sukiyaki Alot! Looks like he is gonna make Asian food his forte now. Hehe.
tuti: haha. i liked all those shows as a kid. scary! but when seen through adult eyes, they're hilarious!
cherie: tue??! what's happening on tue?!!
jomel: i don't think anything there was like sukiyaki...
don't call the man's cooking experiments lah. haha
eh, the coincidence in choice of cuisine for dinner is a bit hair-raising... the only thing not on my menu was the beef salad.
sinlady: this meal was an experiment mah!! he never cooked all these dishes before in his entire life! first try!
kachunknorge: we can eat together definitely. not sure abt sharing food- we might just fight over food! wahahahahaha.
wow... finished flashforward already!??
i dont recall watching V when i was young cos i practically dont speak a word of english will i was quite old so english series then were beyond my reach.
Hi Imp, was at Tuti's place noticed your callsign and busybody over.
Wow! Wish I can cook. But an expert at opening tinned foods, though can make eggs over easy or sunny side up....but man cannot live on eggs alone, ha ha.
Regret I'm not a fan of Japanese foods, but prefer Malay or Nyonya foods....
Bet your Man wow'ed your friends with his culinary skills, huh?
You have a pleasant week Imp, and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
zewt: only finished up till the latest episodes. so checking out other stuff for now.
uncle lee: thanks for coming by. popped in yours. i'm sure your wife cooks great Malay/Nonya stuff for you!
I was totally terrified and addicted to V!
I was totally addicted to V!
carrie: ahh! now can relive those moments!!!
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