Those lousy mousey vampires in Twilight-New Moon-and whatever else should really learn to look more credible. The vampires in Underworld are so much for 'real' and charisma. They invoke fear and a morbid admiration. Plus the lycans look so much better than those puny werewolves. Okay, it's obvious I'm so not a fan of Edward Cullen or Jacob whatszisname.
That aside, I lingered really long by the side of this Leica Digilux 4. It's quite a lovely baby and I'm still thinking about having it, except that my GrD is working perfectly fine and I really really really don't need another camera. :'(
try the swedish gem "let the one in". it's a totally different vampire experience.
kikare: i've watched it twice and loved it. :)
yeh yeh to Underworld..!! in fact Twilight is way too commercialized n gimmicky for tos crazy ppl categorizing themselves in 'Team Edward' or 'Team Jacob'..lameshit..
last mon Ultraviolet hooked me on telly..viva Milla..!
I have never watched Twilight, and don't even have the desire to. By the sound of it, I'm not missing out on much. Eh? :)
mochalatte: Happy watching telly!
jomel: don't bother indeed. u can watch lah. then u'll wish you'd listened to us. hehehehe.
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