Tumbling out of bed and getting dressed in the mornings require so much work. In the tropics, all I need is 20 minutes to shower, paint the face and get out of the flat.
In wintry London, I need a good hour before the body is prepped to face the blustery morning. There're so many steps- moisturizing, blowing dry the hair thoroughly, pulling on thermals, tights and watnots. Plus think of what matches. Thank goodness my entire wardrobe is black- so it isn't too troublesome.
The good thing is, I get to stay in the same clothes all day. My day dresses can usually take me through the night with just a change of flat boots to stilettos and totes to clutches. Unless I'm going to a grungy gig or seriously lovely private club, then I'd have to rethink the wardrobe.
Despite being promised a plate of delicious £14 poached (rare breed hen's) eggs, I still grumble about getting out in the mornings from the toasty flat to the cold streets. Yes, even though I think 2°C is warm nowadays. (It could have plunged to the minus something temperatures!) It's kinda dark at 8am still. I do like sunshine. A pity London only has 2 good hours of it this month on the daily average.
That said, I really really love my boots and wool coats. They go a long way in keeping me warm striding along the streets!

you've been eating lotsa eggs huh?
eveeleva: ALOT of it! There's something about the eggs here that make them taste really fresh. Duck eggs included. But i haven't dared to try chicken yet. from all accounts, a cold chicken mayo sandwich thingy is like the most normal and most yummy!
Oh.. love that outfit too!!
jomel: :)
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