There were plenty of empty seats in the plane. So I toddled down the aisle, plonked myself into one and stared out into the sky. There were stars in the black sky. I really like staring at them. On the ground, I don't get a chance to stare out into the night sky. I suppose we could have a picnic out in the open at night in the wilderness somewhere. But then, I'd need toilets at some point and be paranoid about bugs. Heh. Mid-air, there aren't these sort of distractions. Looking out into nothingness but twinkling stars is comforting somehow.
Of course as we entered into Asia, the stars receded. Dawn was breaking. So that lovely sunrise with all its brilliant colors was quite a visual feast too. Swirling clouds, magical jewel hues span the horizon as far as the cabin window allowed. Breathtaking.
I can't help but feel refreshed and inspired for the new year. It's another decade. If only I can hold on to this good feeling for a long while yet.
Oh and to you lovely people, have a wonderful 2010.
it's a wrap for 2009 and boy i didn't know i have 'survived' for decades after listening to the No. 1 songs from 987FM..haha..and yep a simple meal warms the heart..
Wish U an advanced Happy New Year and may 2010 be a better year ahead.. ;)
Thanks for being a great blog pal and glad you'll be home for the new year!
kawy teow noodle soup?!
Happy New Year - and when you come up, you can sit in the garden and star gaze all you like.
mochalatte: you have a great one too.
carrie: run well and run steady for 2010.
jazzgal: YAH LAH. you know how to make meh?
dawn: oh that. you promise a patio, hot tea and twinkling stars? i'm not hiking up the trails though. not going to be conned by...ahem...SOMEBODY that it's an 'easy walk'.
i don't know if i would have survived without blogs, lol.
i wish you and all your readers a wonderful 2010!
Absolutely - and since it's summer you don't have to worry about it being cold. It'll just be cool.
You're lovely too. :) May you and yours have a healthy, hearty, happy New Year. :)
Have a great 2010 too! The profile pic is looking good!
fishball noodles are my go-to comfort food :) happy new year imp! have a great 2010!
Can tell noodles are yummilicious just from wistful look on bear's face! Hee.
Blessed new year! =)
Happy New Year imp!
Happy New Year imp!
Let's not forget that Alderaan was celebrating the New Year when Tarkin and Vader blew them to bits. Hey, I'm just saying...;)
tuti: can girl. you've many things to occupy you! have a good one this year. chin up!
dawn: very nice!
jomel: same same babe. to you and yours.
pebbles: have a lovely year too you. a new chapter for you!
beanbean: the plainer the better! have a lovely year ahead.
b.muse: well. he can't EAT!
ice: happy new year babe. to more good food for ya and sweets.
cavalock: WAHAHAHAH. you have a good one too dude. thanks for being around and keeping up the humor always!
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