The potato and leek soup already promised that we ought to loosen the jeans. Plenty of nuts, lemon rind, carrots, celery, parsley bread soaked in milk, caramelized onions, etc went into the nut loaf. The end product was this very aromatic nut loaf flavored with various herbs and spices that was super filling. Crunchy and soft all at the same time, it was a good bite to the soup and pasta.
The man served the spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce and drizzled with garlic basil oil. The practice run last week was to ensure he would have sufficient time to tweak and refine the recipe so that it would be ready to be served at this dinner.
There was a homemade cake for dessert too. More about that in a separate post.
I definitely over-ate. How to sleep tonight? The stomach is bloated! But I'm so glad that there's still plenty of spaghetti and nut loaf left so that I could tapau it to lunch at work.
yummy yummy yummy! i'm HUNGRY!
d: you cook well too babe!
the man is a dedicated cook :)
sinlady: very. u shld see the intensity the way he analyzes how various items make-up a menu.
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