I love how easy it is to grab a sandwich or salad for lunch here. In Singapore, I don't have many lunch options since I'm stuck in the office office or at work lunches. When I do get lunch on my own, the choices are often oily carb-laden items that don't appeal. (Except Big D's anchovy pasta of course. I eat that ALL THE TIME whenever I can.) Well, there's Subway, Starbucks and CoffeeBean, of which all serve shite sandwiches and NO NICE EGGS. And yes, bad greens. UGGGH. Why do we not have a sandwich culture in the little red dot? Looks like it's back to homecooked lunches soon.
In London, every morning, I bounce out of bed happy and hungry. There's this skip in my step as I walk to Lantana Cafe or Monmouth Coffee, slip inside to inhale all the coffee aroma and decide on what I want to eat for the morning.
I'm missing London's fabulous coffee and its cafes.
did I read the word BAGEL!??? Yes to Bagels!!
My husband is very fortunate. He has home-made sandwiches for lunch, almost everyday of the working week! I sometimes wonder too.. if there is a market for it, knowing how into "junk" food the typical Malaysian is.
oh by the way, that's a very nice profile shot. :)
jomel: YEA! Bagels! Prob homemade meals are the way to go. Too much oily food outside makes me a little ill.
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