Walking through 'The Image of Our Landscape' at the National Museum where old photos, prints and paintings of Singapore showed a bygone era (the 19th century), I really couldn't imagine what Singapore was like then. It was an unfamiliar landscape, a different culture and atmosphere. I couldn't identify with it.
Then I read a quote by William Hornaday and chuckled rather loudly. Luckily the area was empty.
So many things have shifted and changed along with the sands of time. Roads, buildings, dress, people, attitudes, cultures, political masters, infrastructure, way of life, etc. The island has gone through tumultuous times. Many see Singapore and marvel at our swift urbanization and keen determination to rise as a trading power in the region. Changes aplenty. The landscape of Singapore today bears no resemblance to that of the 19th century port. However, little did the esteemed William Hornaday know that his words spoken in 1885 still ring true 125 years later.
But really, has anything changed?
haha... "It is like a big desk, full of drawers and pigeon holes..."
This man sure had "foresight" when he spoke those words!
dreamlaughlive: heh. indeed.
I have yet to view that exhibition and should go and do so. Sometimes, things may change on the surface but fundamentals may remain the same.
coolinsider: oh do take a look! it's quite nicely laid out. The Egyptian dead too. Lovely curation and progression. My grouch- our museum shops are so NOT attractive in terms of wares, layout and vibes. :(
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