After that dismal dinner at Bonta where we left halfway and made our displeasure known, we ran away to the girlfriend's place to whine. Thank god for friends and desserts.
She brought out the most wonderful bread and butter pudding that made up for every terrible dish at dinner. I savored every bit of the pudding. Although she tsk-ed at me (and all of us) for scooping so little custard over it. We rung in the new year with a simple but trusted Sassicaia 2006. No, we didn't finish that crate of wine.
What was unbelievable was how we all sat through The Room and dissected the movie as if we would in film class. The Room is known as the worst movie of the decade. Of course we have to watch it to know why. It's definitely not 'black comedy' as imbd terms it. It's freaking C-grade soft porn with crap plot and plenty of holes! Execrable! We couldn't sit through it and fast-forwarded it to the last 10 minutes before the end.
The Room is phenomenally inadequate, considering the movie took US$7million to make and not US$700,000. Tommy Wiseau's accent would make Singlish sound beautiful. Somewhere in the middle, I was sure that even Mediacorp's dramas might be marginally better than this. The movie was laughingly awful and had me in stitches by the end. 2 of the friends fell asleep. Hahah.
But it's amazing how animated we were when dissing the movie after. We took enormous pleasure in pointing stories and lines that went nowhere, repeated sex scenes and well, the star's hair. Oh dear, if we start 2010 with such a crap movie, may the Hollywood deities help us all to improve the lot for movie genres this year. :p

so much attention to dissect the Room? sometimes i wonder about you people...tsk tsk...haha
sinlady: wahahhahah. it was fun sorta. we must have been seriously drunk.
Seriously, it takes a genius to make a movie that bad.
Guess it can only go uphill.
dawn: i know! hahahhaha.
moo: heh. i suppose!
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