Flying economy on work trips took a bit of getting used to, but it's alright. Luckily my portfolio looks at the region that's never more than a 6-hour flight each way. I've developed my coping mechanism of declining meals to sleep through the flight. As tiring as it gets at times, I wouldn't trade this to stay put at home. Travelling, to me, isn't a perk. Neither is it a chore. It just is.
Work trips have allowed me to cultivate secret projects, see the socio-economic realities of the cities, as well as enable me to keep in touch with the friends living in the various countries. I can't be more grateful. In any other job, I'd have to do weekend jaunts and be very hard-pressed for time.
As a couple, the man and I are very used to constant travelling. We like it that our respective work trips hone our individual perspectives and world views. Do we miss each other? Not particularly, not when there's Skype. (This is the part where I want to fling the useless work laptop across the room) Have I mentioned that the man is a very good writer? He is very eloquent and spouts artistic snarky lines. That makes communication a breeze. I think the only thing he's worried about having me loose in certain shops with his credit card very handy in my wallet. Heeeeheeeee.
i wonder how you both banter. must be like flying swords in the air. am thinking of chinese sword fighting scenes. friendly match of strength of course.
Hmm.. is that his card that you let loose in a certain boutique beginning with the letter H? Haha.
I doubt you would use his card unless in emergencies or in special circumstances - that's the Imp (I think) I know ;)
wow... Another destination! Remember to dress UP in the malls, so you won't drown among the big-haired "tante-tante" (bahasa Indo for aunties) heehee!
the bliss of travelling with a man's credit card... priceless.
Glad to have caught u for abit before your work trip.:)
tuti: heh. not so dramatic lah. although when we argue, it's always abt point, proof and pertinence. i can't just throw a tantrum. i've to declare upfront that i'm throwing a tantrum.
hobomobo: wahahahha. you know me very well lor.
jomel: HEEE. sorry to disappoint ya- but i do use his credit card in normal circumstances! tonite's dinner. MUST DRESS UP. i feel dowdy for not blowing my hair as big!
zewt: no lah. i usually use my own unless we're trying to chalk up points for something.
lms: yah! sorrieeee....it's so difficult to catch me. :( glad to have had 1 quick drink with ya.
glad your respective work schedules work for you. it's something that is works or not.
sinlady: exactly. i'm glad it works for us. eh. why're you online. get offline and go out to play at this strange new place you're at! explore the city!
I placed u up on a pedestal. Now you get down! LOL! :D
jomel: eh. once in a while i'd like to squat at the foot of the pedestal okay!
Kekekek! you are wicked! :D
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