It was a huge rush sprinting to the airport. Even with the online check-in system, we still needed to push through the luggage. We had plenty. The man brought along his tiny travel guitar. *roll eyes* We arrived barely 40 minutes to departure.
The little bear has always been very suspicious of airplane food. However, even he found no bad things to say about the food on our way to Bali. The fruits are always refreshing. But I was rather impressed by my mains. I had earlier requested for roasted vegetables. No further details were given at that point. So I was pleasantly surprised to find a variety on the plate, along with a very tasty slab of potato gratin. It was all very nice. The man wasn't contented with his lobster thermidor thingy. It was strangely creamy. He stole half my food. Tsk.
It was a short flight and I didn't bother to nap. I caught up with all the newspapers and magazines. There would be lots of stuff to do and plenty of time to rest when I land. No, I didn't take the work laptop along. With its meagre functions, there wasn't any impetus to. If the work laptop was snazzier, I would have, and bothered to clear some work at some point this week.
In this case, I'm very much looking forward to resting my eyes, look at green and blue and of course, the nightly 10-hour sleeps.
Enjoy your holiday! Your bears look very comfortable sitting out by the pool:)
a REAL getaway! enjoy! enjoy!
coboypb: at the same time, they're terrified of falling in! ha.
sinlady: i will! :)
gonna be a great getaway! Enjoy! =)
elaine: It is! I'm relishing every minute of it!
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