Me and my bears boarded the plane with much wistfulness. Little Sydney was rather sad too. He didn't want to sit with me and bawl, preferring to sit by the window to see the last sights of the city and drop quiet little tears as we lifted off the tarmac in a melodramatic grey drizzle. He didn't cheer up till the very hilarious meal was served.
Would I return to Hong Kong again? Yes, but not without the girlfriends. I'd need to go hiking, say, on the MacLehose Trail (麥理浩徑) and finish half of them. I've done the trail at Tai Po Kau ((大埔滘) nature reserve but I want to do it again. I'm not interested in coming to solely eat or shop. I'm not surprised that nothing (groceries are not counted) has been purchased on this trip. The family isn't bothered about these almond cookies and whatnots- nobody eats them, so thank goodness I don't have to buy any. Getting new clothes, shoes and bags isn't attractive because I live in a giant shopping mall. I don't need more of those. I appreciate the other facets of the city more than its exciting shops and neon lights.
This has been the trip of a lifetime- not the fact that I get to go to Hong Kong, but rather, the exhilarating feeling of being in the same city with girlfriends who live in different countries and still took the effort to meet. This isn't going to happen again anytime soon. I mean, I knew it earlier, but it didn't sink in for real till now.
We hung out, had random conversations and laughed. We came with no expectations and left with a bagful of smiles and happiness. It wasn't so much of it being 'Oh I flew up here for you.' I loved how we also reminded ourselves that it would be 'my vacation' too. No such thing as apportioning blame or responsibility to someone else to make our days in the city fruitful and fun. It's amazing how much we enjoyed ourselves during this short trip, saw so much of a city that's not quite the same as what travel ads say; understood a little bit about its people, culture and social policies. We did it. :)
HK can be the most convenient rendezvous city if everyone is coming from diff directions :)
good friends warm the heart.
am glad you have a bunch of them.
Sounds like the HK trip ended on a really good note! Hopefully you'll get to see some (if not all) of them soon again :)
poor Sydney.. :( I know exactly how he felt.
I'm so glad I did it! We did it! :)
Sunday morning, we went back to Pumpernickel and had egg benedict! It was so good, so good, SO good!
sinlady: exactly. it's a good hub and we're certainly not interested in singapore which is a little sterile.
tuti: am blessed with good ones for sure. but only after i learn to pick n choose.
joooness: i hope so too!
jomel: i heard you bought LOTS of loaves. well done!
Hi! It's my 1st time here from Jomel but loving it. I must profess that being a loner, I am insanely jealous of your girlfriend trip!!! It really is so heartwarming when 3 girlfriends come together for whatever the reason, but what's important is that they got together. No agendas.
mamapumpkin: hello! i've hopped over to your blog earlier too. glad to know your girl is fine now.
Woww.. I am envying you for living like a bird! You make no distance between Sin and other countries. hahahha..
It's exactly how a girl's getaway should be :0)
Which reminds me... I have to go plan one for after I'm all fixed up.
Girly trips are mandatory every now and then. Feeds the soul the way men can't. Going to HK next mth too, and hoping to see a different side of it - like u, am a little tired of the usual HK itinerary. Shopping is the same everywhere. Glad you had a good trip.
celcilia: the friendships bridge the distance. :)
kachunknorge: you must. take Marseille?
k: i know! hope your trip will provide a different perspective too. :)
it's always nice having a trip with the girlfriends. i''m having one soon with mine to shanghai in july!
Ooh, i wouldnt mind the hikes and trails at all!! sound way more tempting than shopping and eating itinerary! =)
wigglybits: i'm sure you'll enjoy your trip loads!
b.muse: you confirm will like it. it's not a difficult trail. but of course at some point, i don't mind hitting the malls.
my hand! ... that's not the point, I know... :P
jomel: that's the point! you helped me hold it up! i didn't quite dare to take the photo but for your bravery! hurrah!
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