After a full day out walking, I was all freshly showered and comfortably ensconced in the room when the girlfriend came back with the other friends to collect shopping bags. We each had a separate agenda. They were inclined to shop and I wasn't. So it was ideal to split up and head out to do different things. Very nice to see they had a good haul- plenty of shopping bags.
I was already in pyjamas hugging a bear, uploading photos and skyping other friends. I had a good dinner and so much food throughout the day. In spite of my vigorous protests, I was dragged out to check out their room at W and then to Mongkok (旺角) for a stroll and supper anyway. They insisted that I shouldn't come to Hong Kong and stay in the room. Hmmmmpf. It's a VERY nice room wat. When I travel, my interests are rarely in sync with what people usually do.
We took one of those mini-buses out to Mongkok. The streets were chockful of people. Lotsa humans were awake and the area was alive, bustling with noise. I'm glad that the friends pulled me out. Very colorful. Lots to see. The friends merrily hopped into this Espirit factory outlet at the basement of a building. I rolled my eyes, squatted on the steps at the check-out and waited for them to be done. I had nothing to buy and didn't want to browse the aisles. They managed to come out with 2 full bags of dunno-what-things.
I was most interested in the smelly beancurd, which was quite disappointing. It didn't stink at all. Boo. Tak shiok. I managed a piece of the grilled squid. Quite nice. But I was hesitant to take a whole stick of it. There were curry fishballs which I wasn't interested in. The rest of the fried stuff didn't appeal. The tastebuds are too particular about the oil used to create that taste. They were fried with like dunno-what-oil with about a thousand calories! I don't eat this stuff at home. I'm most certainly not eating these here.
Curry Fishballs! Yeh!
pebbles: i didn't try that though. but apparently there're different sauces to go along. so people have their favorite stalls to head to!
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