The shock was priceless when I stared at the mirror this morning and realized I'm allergic to durians. (??!) This time, the skin and eyelids didn't just swell, the corneas hurt too! The lower portions were covered by a thin film of something which made them itchy and painful. I hustled to the doctor's for eyedrops and pills. "Allergic conjunctivitis" he pronounced.
As much as I dislike the smell of durians, I bravely ate 2 tiny seeds last night, which didn't taste as bad as expected. It was nicely bitter and rather palatable. I've not exactly taken durians for a long while. I don't recall being allergic to them. Nothing more than one seed is ingested at a time and I probably eat durians in like, once in 2 years. Okay, durians will explain the swelling, but not what's happening to the corneas. How can durians be linked to allergic conjunctivitis? So dumb dumb. That's not possible, unless there's something on the fruit or in the stall that causes it. It was raining all of yesterday, which should alleviate alot of weird stuff floating about in the air.
During a recent medical, the blood work revealed allergens in my system. The doctor said he wouldn't know what allergies could trigger them unless a specific test is done. We'll see how. I don't fancy being pricked. I did that test twice as a kid and once as a teenager. I can figure out what sort of things I shouldn't be eating or touching. As long as the allergies manifest as non-life-threatening reactions, I can live with it.
Anyway, allergic conjunctivitis means I'm not infectious, just ugly for the day. I could go to work. But you know what, I don't feel like it- not with the eyes burning up. Since there're no major issues to sort out today, I'll just stay at home. Two doses of medication and a nap reduced the swelling quite nicely. The corneas are still swollen though. Gritty, but not that painful anymore. I shall sleep some more later. What a wonderful excuse to stay in and play with my bears!
Ohhh conjunctivitis - no fun! Take care!
argh. rest well.
dawn: the allergic type, so it's subsiding evenly. not too bad.
tuti: plenty of rest taken!
i once thought i was allergic to cranberries but now i'm not too sure....
ouch i missed this post earlier. now i understand why you needed antihistamine and eye drops.
and I've also craving for durian.. those look absolutely potent!
I hope you're feeling better, and will be as good as new in the morning.
Yikes, take care.
kikare: :(
cavalock: the only way to know- try them! i think the dried ones should be okay for you, but the fresh ones might be a shock to your system.
jomel: oooh! you should get them for dessert tonight!
ice: all better now!
wah. how sad to be allergic to durians! :p
aiyoh, you so poor thing, whatever triggered the allergic reaection.
ame: there was an office party today which involved durians. imagine my horror!
sinlady: dunno leh. strange.
oh... sorry to hear that. but then again, i am sure that 2 small seeds were worth it... :)
i mean, how can anyone not like durian? :P
was in geylang the other day for a fix. and i think i will go to goodwood park for a durian fiesta!
zewt: ummmm *small voice* i no like durians...... Enjoy your durian fiesta!!! hope you're feeling much better now!
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