The dessert angel hopped over with a tray of enticing smells! She brought a banana cake with gula melaka butterscotch. The bananas smelt heavenly. The recipe has been gleaned from 2 different magazines- Bon Appétit and our new Epicure. The dessert angel liked neither recipe on its own and decided to fuse them together to form something different and distinctly unique.
I was a little suspicious of the cake because it looked like a kueh-kueh, mousse, agar-agar type of thingy. I no like kueh-kuehs and the sorts. When it was time to trot out dessert, I asked, "Ummm....scoop? Or knife?" She affirmed that I should use a knife. So I cut it like a cake. Wieeee! It was a proper banana cake! Yummy.
The texture was dense, so I sliced up smaller portions to spread around. I like the layer of bananas! The woman had obviously cut the sugar. In spite of the butterscotch, it wasn't overly sweet. The gula melaka added this oriental flavor, giving a slight twist to the usual banana cakes I'm familiar with. It was neither crumbly nor overly moist.
It's a very good cake. Luckily, we've more than half left to tuck away in the fridge. We're saving it for dessert at some point during the week! *hearts
dessert angels can't be ordered, eh? :P
fusion that worked! brilliant :) but i have to say so brave too...
Actually the original Bon Appetit recipe is pretty awesome too :)
The dessert angel should start a dessert blog!
tuti: can wish for them for sure! they come nicer when wished rather than ordered!
sinlady: i, for one, can't even begin to comprehend the mechanics of it all.
missy-j: hehe. she's a woman of many passions and talents. tough for her pick which one to blog about most!
imp - nothing sophisticated or complicated lah. just a matter of interest or need. you have neither now, maybe forever, so just enjoy :)
Now you've got me craving for Banana Cake! Haiyah!!!
I'm an Epicure reader too. :)
sinlady: i'll stick to eating and washing up!
hobomobo: got many places do good banana cakes! easy to find! I only read it occasionally! i still like my Gourmet. *pout*
Gourmet. Sniff. Sob.
And of course you could bake if you wanted to - you're an Impy after all!
does dawn mean that being an impy and all means that you have magical powers?
but impy sounds mischievious to me too.
dawn: WELL.
tuti: i wish! :) But yes, I is terribly naughty!
dear imp, out of topic. i played a short one minute georgia on my blog. woozy head produces fuzzy music. go hear! :P
Imp, where do I find good banana cakes? Please tell! Having serious cravings.
Yes tuti - she does indeed :)
that's what i suspected, dawn.
and imp, thanks for dropping by to hear georgia. it was short. phone cam. ;)
hobomobo: i assume all the bakeries would have banana cakes! Freshly Baked does a moderately dry version.
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