I was very late in meeting the girlfriends at Jones the Grocer this evening. Luckily I didn't promise to do dinner; only drinks. There is no way I could do dinners on weekdays these few months unless they begin after 8pm. I arrived just as dessert was served. I skipped that. I wasn't exactly hungry. No appetite. So I had a bite of a muffin and a swipe of the chocolate cake. That was dinner. I was a little tired and zoned out of the conversation as the girlfriends talked about jujitsu, meniscus tears, Chaumet bling and whatnots.
I stared idly at the cup of coffee. There was a presentation scheduled tomorrow morning. Clarity of mind and a good night's sleep would be ideal. I'm so going to regret having this shot of caffeine. But what the heck, I felt like it. With a little jolt, I realized that this set was the exact cup and saucer also used by Pumpernickel in Hong Kong. Ahh. That trip to Hong Kong seemed like eons ago already. Memories, vivid, how very nice.
To think I had wanted to cancel on the girlfriends because I only left the office at 8.15pm. But they told me to haul ass into a cab and get there asap, no excuses. They were absolutely right. It was a much-needed quick catch-up with the girlfriends. So happy for 2 who live in the estates next door and either one could give me a lift home in quiet comfort. Well, not really, they put the tops down and we yelled across at each other at the traffic lights. That was fun!
Now home, the taste of coffee lingers beautifully. I'm not sure if it's from tonight or from the memory of that remarkable morning at Pumpernickel. I can't tell. I remember the aroma. Trust me, that cup of coffee tasted fabulous.
Hor! I've got more vivid memory than you... the set in Pumpernickel was granite brown. But I can see how this is reminiscent of that.. must be the pose.. *chuckle*. That Friday morning at Pumpernickel was lovely. :)
darling, i think this set looks more like the ones used at Pacific Coffee leh!
jomel + kikare: AH??! Really?! I is fail fail fail. don't care. it reminds me of pumpernickel!!! don't care! they kinda look the same! except one is dotted and this one is solid colored. can pass lah? pacific coffee uses black!
at pacific coffee, they use that reddish brown cups for short drinks, green for tall drinks and black for grande drinks!
cannot pass lah! the pumpernickel cup is stoneware while the one in your pic looks like ceramic. quite different in texture what.
but, i like you just the same wahaha.
kikare: i ordered grande from Pacific Coffee! I've never ordered smaller ones! *POUT* GIVE UP. at least u said u still like me. Heh.
this thread of discussion is so funny! heheheeh. I like your friends impie. they definitely are like us who like to poke holes in your ego and inflated sense of self-worth. :p don't go to bed at 2am again tonite.
Hmmm.... I suppose you did have a previous/separate life as somebody involved in theatre? :) I like Jones the Grocer for its unpretentiousness and good Aussie styled food and drinks. Coffee does bring out an emotional and nostalgic connection in some of us.
heehee. i haven't reached the stage where i can poke holes at the imp. :p
andrea: i slept at 2.30am!
coolinsider: :) a free spirit for sure.
tuti: you can, anytime!
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