Sometime this May, our weddings bands kept falling off the fingers. Along with the weight loss, the fingers have kinda 'narrowed'. I didn't think that one could lose pounds off fingers! What used to fit snugly, is now loose. We've literally dropped 2 ring sizes. Once we straighten the fingers and keep it down, gravity and the weight of the ring combined will ensure that it falls off at some point. Mine has slipped off so many times already. Once, it kinda flew off because the hand gestures were a little too animated. Luckily that happened in the office and it didn't go hide in a corner. Of course, along with the countless times it fell off into the sink while washing my hands.
The man came home only to realize that the wedding band was not on his finger. The man is upset. I'm not too perturbed actually. I suggested that since the bands have fallen off, we could just forget about getting new ones and not wear them anymore! But the man refused. He went through the day's activities and pinpointed that a possible retrieval was at the gym when he went there at lunch. Bright and early the next day, he called the gym and by a stroke of luck, somebody picked up the small item from the bathroom floor and returned it to lost and found. The man was happy as a lark. Now, despite me giggling at his stories of how this gym's shower curtains always have holes in them, I shall credit them for having honest and kind people in there.
I know what we will be doing this weekend. We're heading off to the jewelers to get a bridge done for the bands, and all my rings, or perhaps re-size them. 2 ring sizes down are too many.
Or get another ring and wear it on top :) That kind of works too - otherwise, if your fingers change sizes again then you're going to have to resize.
dawn: i don't like that though. 2 rings make me feel uncomfy. and it doesn't match my clothes! heeeeeeee. we'll sort that out. and HOPEFULLY, our fingers don't grow too fat! the idea is NOT to get back to the weight this time last year!
yeah get another cartier to fit it!!u have one right??
wigglybits: all my rings are now loose. must re-size or buy new ones. :( i've a couple of cartiers which are cocktail rings, but my rings are really not meant to be worn together. they look much better when worn as a single ring. i prefer that too. i don't like wearing solitaires with the wedding band either. it's supposed to be the engagement and the seal idea, but i don't like that. it's uncomfortable. i'll need to resize all the solitaires as well. Grrrr.
When I started getting Reynauds, I was glad I hadn't resized my ring - now I switch them between fingers depending on the amount of swelling I have. I think that it's sometimes hard to get a good re-sizing too.
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