The girlfriend hopped into a shop one whimsical afternoon and bought all sorts of things. Aside from an exciting bottle of cooking essence, she also gifted us whisky in the prettiest bottle. A gentle and easy Bunnahabhain 12 y.o. I love the star-shaped bottle!
The girlfriend hopped by when I was out, so the man conveniently forgot to tell me. He took it to SingFest and had the temerity to swig most of it before Smashing Pumpkins came onto the stage. I didn't even know anything about this gift until the next day when the man 'fessed up. I never even saw the bottle till later in the evening. By then, there was literally only a single dram left for me. WAIL. He did it on purpose I swear!
What you see in the photo now is just that teeeeeeeny bit that I'm saving up to sip it sometime over the weekend. Now that I've taken photographic evidence of how much whisky is left, the man can't steal anymore from this bottle. Shoo! We've other bottles for him to fiddle with. This, or rather what's left, is mine, all mine.
this is too funny. though not so funny that you have only this leetle bit left. :P
there must be something abt swigging from the star-shaped bottle that he likes. haha...
wildgoose: the bottle is preetttty isn't it?!
Yes it is. I love stars. No hearts for me too. ;)
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