Friday, June 17, 2011

Look Before You Eat!

The man shrieked and swiveled the chair around. "Why did you leave this on the desk?! You almost poisoned me! I thought this is mochi!" I stared at the thing he was wildly waving around and went into uncontrollable laughter.

I was like, dude! This is far from anything resembling an edible mochi. And the words on the packaging are in French and English! See, it reads "Soap with Verbena Leaves." The man is very funny lah. He simply assumed the color green equals mochi and picked it up to tear apart. At least he had paused to wonder why this one is so hard instead of being nice squishy soft.

Now, in the photo below, this is the real daifuku mochi in a green tea flavor. It can only last 1 day after my return because these are the fresh sort. I don't fancy them, but the man does. So besides the dorayaki I brought back, there's another box of daifuku mochi sitting in the fridge for him. I'm not trying to poison him! Kekekekekeek.


tuti said...

hahaha. the small pack DOES look like mochi at first glance.

Violet said...

haha... this is so funny. :P

imp said...

tuti: it does??!

hersheys: heh.

sinlady said...

haha, this is funny :)
and how can you no like mochi? i go nuts over mochi, esp the fresh ones, so yes, i gorge on them as much as i can (oh, that sounds so disgusting!) heheh

blobber78 said...

these are yummy! how can you not like them? =)

imp said...

sinlady + blobber: the texture! it's gooey and eeky. I no like the powdery sticky taste! same for muah chee. I hate it!

Jo said...

I am not so hot about mochi, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE muah chee!!! :) Your man is hilarious lah! :D :D

imp said...

jomel: I KNOW! you like the peanuts right?!!!