Monday, June 20, 2011

A Quiet Sort Of Afternoon

It's wonderful when schedules match. I was lucky to have the company of a lovely girlfriend to while the day away by doing nothing in particular. These days are still a novelty for me. For her, such days are few and precious to come by.


Lady J said...

That steamed egg with chilli padi sounds good!!!!

sinlady said...

no need every day cheong cheong cheong. quiet is good :)

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Love the pic of those plushies! Super adorable :)

Unknown said...

Looks like a good day man.... I wish to have one like this soon. Even my weekends and leave days are just packed with activities. Like Lady J, I'm wondering how steamed egg with chilli padi tastes like - 0_o

imp said...

ladyJ: very tasty!

sinlady: yah!

corsage: Heeeeeeeee.

coolinsider: steam the egg in chicken or beef or vege stock without additional salt. then add on chilli padi and dark sauce. Great snack! I hope Vancouver's been a good break. Each time you go away on a vacation, it's like you're refreshed, but the work doubles!