Now that I've got huge spaces of time opening up, it's amazing how many books I can plough through in a week even if it's packed with activities. If I have pockets of empty slots in the calendar, they're blocked to spend time reading either at home, or at the friends'.
The friends are just as voracious readers. It's rather companionable to spend 2 hours in silence, absorbed in our respective books. With a singleminded focus, completing 5 novels a week can be quite easily done nowadays.
I could talk about so many books and their content, but it would never be as well written as olduvai's posts. On a random day armed with a pitcher of freshly made iced lemon tea, I picked out Alex Marsh's 'Sex & Bowls & Rock & Roll'- How I Swapped My Rock Dreams for Village Greens. Well, not that I'm that interested in lawn bowling. But that could be replaced by any other mundane activity. Often, it's about the metaphors.
While it's quite a funny little book, it isn't a happy story, at least not to me. At the end of it, I pity the protagonist. Yes, it's one thing to be defeated by reality, but it's quite another to make an attempt to balance it. I choose to view him as surrendering to his life's demands. This is something I understand, but find it hard to accept. And in that acceptance, we trade some of our individuality for the struggling position to live in this society.
I laughed my head off at this paragraph. Oh so true, don't we know this all too well? We know stereotypes like that, oh for sure.
"That is the thing with people in pubs. You can talk to them for years and years and still know next to nothing about them. Whereas if you find somebody in a pub that is keen to reveal their life story within the space of three pints, then your best bet is to set yourself on fire."
You might not be a rock star, but you could still make music, and remain true to that ideal. And somehow, chase the passion in fleeting doses, because we have to live. As children, we had dreams. How many have we fulfilled? How many have we passed on because we don't have the passion anymore, or we choose to give it up for something else? How do you live with yourself, when at the end of the day, you die with so many regrets and unfulfilled dreams?
"So that is that. // Never go back. Never try to recapture. // I have my bowls, I have my important househusbanding role. Why did I ever think I could make it more? The music boat has passed- I have missed it. It is time to stop pretending. Really time, this time."
quite cheem. but a lot of meaning in them. need time to chew. *burp*
"You might not be a rock star, but you could still make music, ... somehow, chase the passion in fleeting doses, because we have to live."
YEAH! :)
This post made me think rather hard. I don't remember dreaming to be this or that as a kid. And I hardly have any "dreams" today. Yes you can say that I burn for nothing, but I can enjoy and find pleasure in many things. While I admire people with strong passions, I cannot force myself to be someone whom I'm not. So for me it's always been about making music and not being a rock star :)
Awesome to have all the time to read, I agree!
Shall set a reading date with you too, while we are both free! :)
reading too much gives me weird dreams...
Aww thank you for that.
Five novels a week! I'm envious! Can never do that anymore...!
That's one of the things I like best - just sitting around reading :)
I know what you mean. Everyone of us have that dream, that desire, and that aspiration which is often an exact opposite of reality. Somehow or other, as we stumble along the road of life, the various winds and waves conspire to snuff out that flickering flame.
However, if we will ourselves hard enough and work towards that ideal state, we will get there. :)
tuti: i also needed to chew on the book!
jomel: true!
kikare: really?! i keep wanting to be this and that as a kid. it's always the end game in sight. but along the way, i've learnt to enjoy the journey.
bmuse: yes! can also go to The Pigeonhole. or Littered with Books next door.
ame: I love those dreams! those are the non-exhausting dreams!
olduvai: i picked up alot of titles from your posts! to see if i agree, to see if i disagree- a good read, all of them! hey, you're still doing good at a book a week! the little one needs attention too! :)
dawn: same same. I like stealing your books too.
coolinsider: exactly. it's almost like how we hit an agreeable compromise along the way so that we're true to ourselves, and can fulfil our commitment to the others in our lives.
You are a fast reader! Still, it must feel really nice to have the luxury of time to soak up book after book :) For some strange reason, I've bought so many books in the past 2 weeks alone! Will be reading to the wee hours for the next few weeks. And when I run out, I'll check back here for new titles to consider! :)
corsage: it's nice reading other genres instead of work-related material, even if I'm interested in the latter! Take your time with the books!
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