Monday, July 11, 2011

An Egg For Afternoon Tea

The girlfriend boiled 2 eggs for tea. One for her daughter and one for me. Heeeee. My egg decided to misbehave. It came out drooling. Whatever. It still tasted fine. I like my eggs in any form, raw, cooked, plain or otherwise.

This little girl is clearly not afraid of me. She calls me 'Auntie Imp' quite loudly and obediently slips her little hand into mine. Hearing happy gurgles from the little girl makes me merry.

Since I was an awkward, grouchy 12-year old, I've always known I don't ever want a fairytale wedding or children of my own. Now that I'm clearly able- physically, financially and with a 'married' status in this country, and with plenty of leisure time without the pressure of having to maintain a full-time employment, I make a conscious choice not to have children. I really don't see how my life can be fulfilled with a child of my own. Conforming, is not my middle name. This is not a responsibility I want.

Increasingly, as more friends begin to have children, the more acute and intense is the awareness that this is not my choice. I sought to date men who were able to stand up to family pressure and social norms in saying no to having offspring. Oddly, those men were quite a rarity to cross my path. Each time an ex wanted more from me, I dumped them like hot potatoes. Hehehhe. This man whom I'm legally tied to, thankfully, doesn't view children as a natural progression or a must-have in our lives. We'd really like a kitten though.

Maternal instincts? The ticking of biological clock? Social pressure? No, no and a screw-you-no. Not for me. I enjoy seeing the friends' little tots from time to time and interacting with them, watching them grow. Not all children take to me. Most are terrified of me. I don't like all younglings, mind you. Some can be quite off-putting. I like certain little tots who already have minds of their own and strong personalities to boot. Watching these familiar ones grow up, that's quite a pleasure all by itself. I'm quite pleased to remain as 'Auntie Imp' to my favorite little tots who don't mind my face just yet.


Anonymous said...

from eggs to children. ah they're relative anyway. *runs*

Dawn said...

Kitten, kitten, kitten!

bookjunkie said...

absolutely loved this candid post.

I don't like succumbing to social pressure on other issues.

lilsnooze said...

I think you are gd with children, for someone who doesn't want one of her own. ;)

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Absolutely agree with Lilsnooze! One of the best I've come across. Seriously :)

Chick said...

That's why we're such good friends! I can't imagine me having to look after your imp-ish kids. *nightmare*

notabilia said...

Love this post. Refreshingly honest. I am sure we'll talk more when I see you in a few weeks.

imp said...

tuti: hahaha. it is, isn't it. i was in a corny mood.

dawn: yes, yes, yes. if yours are a little friendlier, i might just kidnap one.

bookjunkie: the social pressures on many issues are enormous on this island. keep whatever little identity you can!

lilsnooze + corsage: ehhh. that because a bigN and Bubbles are rather articulate and witty. i'm tickled pink by them. they can outalk and outwin me in logic often! and chances are, if their mommies r okay with me, the little ones tend to smile at this crazy auntie imp just that bit more.

chick: nor me, yours. dear girl, i'd gladly board your cat anytime. :D or your Rabbit.

notabilia: :) We will.