Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time To Avoid Prawns

Since we eat at DB Bistro Moderne rather often, it's pleasing to know that the menu is refreshed often too. Burgers are always the star on the menu. Somebody on the table would inevitably cave in to the not-too-big portion of a thick juicy burger. Clearly, because no one wanted to go queue up for that In-N-Out Burger with the man (do the math, it'd be rather silly of us to even entertain the notion), he was left to savor a piece of thick patty elsewhere. No better place than here. That pop-up burger place apparently cleared out its 300 patties in 5 minutes to a long queue of humans who stood in line 2 hours before its opening time. Mind-boggling. Clearly, I don't share the same enthusiasm for burgers. Never did and never will.

I like the bistro's seafood platter. However, they've been leaving out the familiar lobster and substituting it with other shellfish. Hmmmmph. Anyway, there was also a gorgeous heirloom tomato salad ingested, along with a pretty good squid ink tagliolini with mussels and clams. Many items were shared so as not to be totally stuffed by the end of the night.

It was unfortunate that I forgot about the body's quota for prawns and clams. Over ate. Then there's the build-up tropomyosin from last week's many many prawns/shrimp in various dishes. The ulcers and general itching should have alerted me already. Sigh. This was the last straw. The eyes puffed up into two gigantic bubbles within an hour after dinner, and the edge of the lips broke out in cold sores. The night was spent in an unbearable itch and pain in the eyes. Not a serious attack. Popped pills. There's always the EpiPen lurking in the corner for an emergency. Luckily the swollen red eyes subsided to just being puffy and tender by noon. Gave it a think and popped more pills for the day. I rather ride out a not-that-serious episode of allergic reaction than to slump to the doctor in defeat.

PS: I must be a sucker for punishment. 
At the dentist for a regular check and an x-ray, I was charmed into removing two impacted wisdom teeth on-the-spot, unplanned. The oral surgeon had a slot. An immediate Skype video-call was made to my doctor to check on status of allergies. Green light. I was terrified! Both dentist and oral surgeon are excellent. Gorgeous bedside manner and skillful. No pain as yet. Heeeeee.


M. said...

Prawn and shellfish allergy sucks ! But I'm glad your intolerance is not so severe. Take care babe and recover well!

Cavalock said...

Heard from a US friend that In-N-Out is doing this all over Asia partly cos of registering or trademarking their logos and names so folks here can't come up with a Out-N-In Burger or In-N-Out Tim Sum. Kinda like what happened to Starbucks in China I guess.

Anonymous said...

brave gal!

FML said...

my friend has to be hospitalized for his wisdom tooth ops, so i don't understand how you could get away so easily & painlessly. good on you! :)

i was wondering sometimes when I ate mussels it was fine, but at times the allergy just broke out mysteriously. finally understand it's dependent on amount consumed!

jazzgal said...

you did whhuuuut! atta girl. high time. heal well.

imp said...

M.: thank you! my airways used to swell when i eat prawns. the body learnt some immunity over the years into adulthood.

cavalock: HAIYAH. All these corporations.

misti: got charmed. that's why!

FML: was lucky- roots didn't wrap themselves around nerves. plus had a great oral surgeon. you take care for the mussels and keep it to no more than 3 at a go. spread the intake over months.

jazzgal: yea, i did! crazy right. the thing is, by now, (twitter is down and i can't tell the world. ha.) i've no more numbness in my jaw from the LA, and the best part- still pain-free. i know that painkiller i took is strong, but it can't be this strong 8 hours after!?! i had dinner properly too. madness.

sinlady said...

i know and not know all about allergies. more importantly, i have since learned to live with their sneaky behaviour :)

Anonymous said...

don't tax the sore area, though no pain. friend gungho ate normal and talked a lot, then the dentist horrified because area not healing well. but i am sure because your surgeon is good, it will be different. just saying go easy!

imp said...

sinlady: i hate the sneak attacks. eeeks.

misti: oh definitely taking good care of it. :)