Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bring On The Shellfish and Chilli!

Stitched flap has closed. The gums are doing internal healing for the next few weeks. Bye naughty wisdom teeth. But yay, back to the usual food. Hello, granola. I've abstained from prawns and lobsters, and all shellfish for a month. Cooled it on the pepper, sambal and chillies too. This week, I hit them all with a vengeance. Well, chilli more than the gunk-eating crevice-dwellers.

Between all that, I wisely popped an antihistamine.


Anonymous said...

I'm missing my time in sg again just looking at these food pics.

imp said...

D: awwwww. Don't! got pre-mixes to do laksa or mee siam perhaps?