Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ever So Lucky To Have Her

This bff and the other also-not-based-in-Singapore-bff, are my bffs since we were kids! :))) Excluding a quick flight and a lightning dive trip to a still-quiet island, this one choped my calendar for 2 full days to do random things! And homecooked meals filled the slots between our activities. She's a great cook, and can't wait to cook because of the availability of spices here, compared to her home city. Well, spices aren't difficult for us to send over in a nicely wrapped package.

This trip, she was without the husband. So I stayed over at her childhood home, in her old bedroom that her parents still keeps pristine for her whenever she visits. Like old times, we chatted deep into the night. We really don't do well with long phone calls (without video) nowadays. Not when Skype has taken over. 

Bright and early, after being dragged out for a run, we went out to Tekka Market to have breakfast. She luxuriated in the colors, smells, and sounds of the wet market. She even enjoyed the heat. After tasting the biryani and nasi lemak in the market, she declared that she hadn't lost her touch and could still do a better version. Okay. So it was decided that she would cook us egg biryani for dinner. Hurrah! 

She put me to work at the sink. The dishwasher was turned on, but I'd still need to rinse stuff before putting them in. At the same time, I could just wash whatever items she needed to re-use. Her parents were home and absolutely horrified. Hahaha. They made me a lovely cold sweet-ish lassi and kept trying to chase me out of the kitchen. The girlfriend also mashed cutlets and made beans and dhal at the side. Damn, dinner was really good. I ate all the rice!!! 


Yuling said...

It really looks VERY good! I WANT!

imp said...

yuling: good hor? heeeeee. she does this the really healthy way too!

bmuse said...

What a lovely lovely catchup! :)

imp said...

bmuse: very!