Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fried Chicken & Beer

There're actually outlets of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Seoul. WHY??!!! Isn't it like a lost cause? Korean eateries make damn good fried chicken that beats any KFC-produced stuff on any given day. Why walk into KFC unless you want a deep fried chicken burger thing?

The man had this insane craving for fried chicken. Finally after a heavy dinner and solid drinks one night, the friends gave in to his craving and took him out to supper at The Frypan, a very decent university project turned successful franchise selling fried chicken. It's currently the most popular joint for fried chicken in Seoul.

Fried chicken and beer. They always go together. We skipped the beer at this place though. This was supper after drinks. Nobody wanted to drink anymore. The fried chicken didn't arrive dripping with oil. The eatery's got some serious deep fryer man. I wasn't the least wanting any chicken. But I wanted those chips and generous portions of coleslaw and salad that came along with the giant plate of chicken. These side dishes were awesome. Damn good potato crisps. LOVE IT. Ate so much of the chips. The man was a very happy camper.

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