Monday, September 17, 2012

Over Drinks

Visiting a city where friends live is always a wonderful and scary thing. Always great to meet them, but also a tad nervous at how the drinking bit is going to be. Especially in London, Tokyo and now Seoul. I don't have a Korean friend who doesn't drink like a fish. That said, it isn't as if I'm not an alcoholic. Oh I am. I totally admit it. BUT, the friends, not just the Koreans, out-drink me, anytime. Glad that we still share hangouts, and evenings out. I won't have it any other way.

In the usual fashion of buying liquor from duty-free at Changi before flying out, we picked out the Bowmore 100 Degrees Proof, which is a cask strength single malt with an ABV of 57.1%. This expression is rich and complex. The typical notes of the Bowmore peat is strong but not overpowering. It's perfectly balanced imbibed on the rocks.

We always welcome drinking in hotel rooms. It feels right to have a nip of whisky before dinner or cocktails. Fun to adjourn to the room after dinner too, if the mood is mellow. However, it's even better when we make dates to bring the bottle to the friends' gorgeous homes to share and have long great conversation over a few drams. This trip, since Jeju Island's not do-able, we aren't so particular about what-to-do on a daily basis. There's a rough sort of idea, and a couple of non-negotiable items I want to fulfill. Decided to stop being too anal about it and go with the flow. It's panning out nicely. Too many humans to catch up with, too many things to do, and not enough time to squeeze everything into one trip.

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