Monday, December 03, 2012

The Season Begins

For centuries men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas means fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving, a time of good cheer, home. - W. J. Tucker

You can feel many segments of London grinding to a halt as everyone takes a breather to draw the year to a merry closure. I've dropped off the Christmas cards into the postbox. Let's hope Royal Mail delivers them before Christmas Eve. Also, reminding myself not to step onto Bond Street, Oxford Street, Regent Street and the adjoining lanes to Piccadilly. It would be near peak consumerism madness. *shudder* Not keen on being squashed. Stay away from the city on the weekends.

The naked pine tree that was delivered yesterday, is now glittering in Christmas chic of black and silver. Efficient people have already more or less completed their shopping for the season, and made orders for items to be delivered within the next three weeks. We lit the candles and the colorful Advent wreath, and kept a special grace at the meal table. Today marks the First Sunday of Advent.


jooo said...

Lovely... :)

sinlady said...

happy holidays, imp ! :)

imp said...

sinlady: i will! thanks!