Tuesday, February 19, 2013


New Ubin Seafood does a pretty decent version of meat.
Their rib-eye cubes were nicely done medium rare as requested, and was served with a generous plate of fried rice doused in delicious beef drippings. 

The friends have whooshed into town for the week, and we've been merrily hanging out. By now, they know Singapore pretty well, or at least what main buildings (or malls) lie at the train stations around town. By now, armed with a GPS, they're able to rent a car and drive themselves around to most venues without a guide.

We've got performances to catch at Huayi. While lunch and tea are certainly easy, there aren't that many evenings free for dinner. Depending on our level of tiredness and activities planned for the next day, drinks and supper aren't always mandatory. On the one rare evening cooled by the rains, we hopped out to New Ubin Seafood to eat up a storm. Nope, I didn't ask them to go on their own in peak hour traffic. Picked them up and hopped over.

Come weekend, I'll see them in their city of residence, and they'll be taking me out to the pretty decent local theatre productions. Not scripted in English though. That'll be really stretching my understanding of the Thai language. By now, I should understand enough colloquial usage of the language to get the irony and witty nuances. I suppose one can say my command of the language is better than my supposed second language of Chinese. Still. I never get them jokes in Mandarin. Not too hopeful about Thai. Anyway, fun times.

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