Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Seattle Beer Week

Tasting flight at The Pike.

Nobody believes that the man and I didn't plan the trip to coincide with Seattle Beer Week. But we really didn't! I like the taste of certain craft beers, but there's no way I could put away more than two pints at each sitting. The man's work meetings set the dates and it's just hilarious to find out upon arrival that we could drink our way through festival dates of May 8 - 18. :P

We didn't bother to sign up for any beer-pairing dinners or special tasting sessions. Quite happy with the beers on taps at the participating bars where we could try both seasonal and festival brews. Even if there isn't a beer fest going on, we'd be spoilt for choice at many pubs and restaurants. So many good beers in the Pacific Northwest all year around anyway. No Bud Light, thankyouverymuch. I absolutely can't stand lagers and pilsners. Love how each bar offers tasting flights. As much as I'd like to, I can't put away five pints at a meal. As it is, beers already appear at the lunch table. Luckily I'm not downsizing the exercise routine here.

There was an afternoon we wanted lunch, took a walk from downtown Seattle up to Capitol Hill, and ended up at Elysian which offered such awesome beers. In the end, we had a really light lunch of clams and kale salad. Couldn't even stomach more carbs in the form of bread to soak up the sauces used for the clams. In love with their stouts- Persus, Dragonstooth and Espresso Milk. SO GOOD.

Clearly, there're way more beers drunk than the photos suggest. Ha. People have suggested to buy beer home. Ermm...are they mad? I don't think I like any beer enough to want to do that. I'm not carrying bulky items or breakables, especially not glass in my suitcases across three airports. Not that desperate to ship them home either. My favorite beer joints in Singapore bring in exciting kegs and bottles regularly. All good.

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