Doing freelance work means that at any one time, I have at least three over-lapping projects on hand with flexi-hours that will also mean working over the weekends and in the nights. One has been completed, and frankly, it has been the most fun this quarter. Part of it involved interviewing people from all walks of life. The project took me to many nooks and crannies of this little island, surprisingly unfamiliar areas and unexplored towns.
The thoughts and voices of the people I've spoken to, are the greatest gift of this one project for SG50. It isn't an exercise in lip service. Time and effort were spent with the everyday man and woman. From those, I learnt perspectives and different opinions, and most of all, hear first-hand accounts of life, dreams and hopes, as seen through the different age groups of interview subjects. Three words summarize these experiences- illuminating, humbling and inspiring.
While I'm deeply uncomfortable interacting with strangers and humans in general, I'm glad I stuck it out and saw it through, making the phone calls I didn't feel like chasing, gritting through interviewing strangers and putting on a cheerful front. Okay, by 'cheerful', I mean 'bubbly'. Nobody who have met me will describe me as 'vivacious'. No matter at what type of parties, I very much prefer to slink away to the bar and fade into the background.
Consciously pushing myself out of my comfort zone was a great decision. Just this once. Sure, it isn't the project that pays the best (it pays fairly lah, i.e it settles some bills) or turns out the most fulfilling in terms of personal/work achievements, but it is one that bestowed the greatest satisfaction. At the end of the day, this is what matters, isn't it? To be reminded of what it means to have enough. To understand contentment. And importantly, hear what fellow residents have to say about this little city-state we call home.
Where will the quotations be compiled and displayed? the Gardens. GBTB in end Nov/Dec. But I'm not sure how the end product will look after all the edits...
Glad to know that this is a meaningful project for you
coboypb: :))))
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