Friday, February 17, 2017

Happy Lunches This Month

Many friends know that I'm not keen on them buying me gifts on special occasions. Can't quibble if it's something small, but knowing the friends, something 'small' takes creative effort and ends up being rather time-consuming for them. A card is very welcomed though. I love cards. I'm soooooo delighted that V heard me. Well, that's not to say she isn't naughty at times too, but I'm very glad she also largely chooses gifts in the form of donations to causes close to my heart, one of which is shark conservation. 🦈❤️

She has decided to buy me all my lunches this February. (Chehhh I forgot to take photos of our meals.) We meet fairly often, and getting out for lunch in the CBD on week days has been good between work meetings and all. Effectively, via all these meals, they make up a birthday gift! I can't quite object to being fed hearty and not-too-decadent food. I've definitely lucked out with this girlfriend whom I've known for a decade now. I admire her discretion, integrity and drive. She's a gem. I look forward to her friendship in the next decade and beyond.

I'm missing a photo of a coffee cup in this collage below. It's supposed to represent how I've been shamelessly stealing cups of kopi-o-siu-dai off of her since 2015 when she shifted office to this current one. She has got one of 'em fancy swipe/value cards at the foodcourt; for convenience's sake, she always buys coffee, yet refuses to accept payment or allow me to top up the card for her. So I've completely given up on trying to pay her for coffee. Hahahaha. I'm still leeching kopi-o-siu-dai off of her in 2017. 😏😇😘


b.muse said...

Ooh you found the bear! Yay. :D

Ha those lunches with you are often rescue for my sanity, so so precious ok! That kopi-o-siu-dai doesn't even cover your transport cost to and from meeting me at my office area!

imp said...

This is Silver Bear. There's another Gold/Brown Bear that's the naughty one and forever gets lost in some random book.

Very funny, you. I incur transport costs regardless. Pfffft.