Friday, August 04, 2017

Keeping It Friendly In Classes

I was naughty in reformer class that day. While rolling down and holding those counts to feel the core burn, I had time to quickly snap a random photo. But the thoughts in my head were about an earlier breakfast with a bunch of new acquaintances.

Well yes, the new acquaintances talked about pilates. That's how we began casually chatting a few weeks ago. Then the conversation drifted, and I completely lost interest. Luckily there were six people at the table, so I didn't have to actually talk. Keeping the friendliness to the gym or studio is what I'm comfortable with. I shall not take it outside of that because I'm really not interested or nosy enough in your life outside of the 45 minutes I see you in class.

I do not do well with conversations about fashion, bags, shoes, cosmetics, children (obviously), coffee or food. Because these are considered friendly topics (of little controversy or contention) to begin an acquaintance-ship. I try not to judge people by their social media posts. Which is why Twitter's words might be a better representation of a person's thoughts than Instagram. The latter platform only offers a glimpse of one facet of one's life through a highly subjective and questionable lens. We can probably all agree that Facebook is a telling but shit platform that makes us 'unfriend' people instantly. It's a good thing some acquaintances don't know my blog. Hahahaha. Maybe they will. Whatever. 

I'm generally reticent with acquaintances. It won't be long before people realize that while I'm civil, I'm not bubbly or enthusiastic about meeting new people or widening my social circle. Occasionally, people are brought together by shared causes and passions, but often there's nothing much beyond that. Building trust takes time, and when I'm an OCD introvert, I don't feel a sense of loss if I'm not included in social gatherings. Sometimes, it stresses me out when people extend the invitation; then I'll have to think about how to reject it- usually flat out. Friends deal with me fine. Acquaintances don't, and they needn't bother.


nua-ster said...

heh.. with time, i've come to realize (and become comfortable with) the fact that there's no need for me to give a reason or to explain for my "non-attendance" for big group gatherings.. used to fret over what reason/excuses to give, now.. i'll just say that i'm not free. period. heeeee

imp said...

Ha! Best. I suppose the good thing is, nowadays, big group gatherings are few and far. Probably limited to the festive periods. so you might have an easier choice thinking about whether to see people two or three times a year instead of like....monthly......

nua-ster said...

yes.. and with the group growing bigger.. it's almost impossible to get full attendance (plus ones, oh.. and not lil ones, included).. I very much prefer smaller "groups" for meetups.. oh well..