Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Birthday Lunch at La Ventana

[La Ventana no longer exists and has rebranded as Tapas Twenty-Six in 2018 and shifted to a new address within Dempsey Hill.]

Took the man’s mom out to La Ventana to celebrate her birthday. She enjoys Spanish food, but don't always get to go to the restaurants she want to try. Sometimes, to the parentals, Dempsey Hill area isn't exactly convenient even with a car. Well, our definition of 'convenient' or 'accessible' will differ from person to person. La Ventana has been on her to-try list for a bit, and we thought we'd take her and she could have a little bit of everything on the menu.

Ordered loads of tapas, but went easy on the meats and bread. I was saving stomach space for paella. A pity they ran out of octopus and calamari that afternoon. Fish of the day was scorpion fish lightly seared and served with tomatoes. Lovely. Merrily ordered two paella- squid ink and lobster. Hurhurhur. What a great chance to eat all the carbs I wanted!! The parentals liked the easy vibes of the restaurant. It wasn't crowded on the day we went for lunch, so it made for a very comfortable dining experience.

I didn't tell the restaurant that anything about a birthday when making reservations. However, I briefly mentioned it when we arrived. I would usually order dessert and request them to write a little note or place a candle on it by way of a sweet ending, so to speak. But that afternoon, we didn't have anymore stomach space, so we were ready to just pay and leave. I was really surprised the restaurant remembered and offered up a lovely little platter of cakes and cookies topped with a candle. That was much much appreciated. The man's mom isn't keen on big cakes and all, and also prefers manageable bites when it comes to dessert.

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