Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Checking My Weight

Stepped onto the InBody machine at the gym to measure my body's fat-muscle composition. The last time I did this was in February when I joined the gym. It uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and the electrical pulse tracks body water-fat-muscle composition. I don't actually know how accurate it is. Whatever. It's definitely more comprehensive than stepping on a weighing scale, which doesn't really tell me anything.

The intention of joining the gym isn't to lose weight. It's to tone up and build muscles. Muscles should replace fats, therefore, my body weight should ideally remain the same, or gain 2kg in muscle mass. We shouldn't be too obsessed with our body weight because it isn't a proper indication of health. The InBody tracker measures the basal metabolic rate too.

My pilates sessions sort out flexibility and keep me limber. But it isn't going to help build muscles or strength in the desired time frame. To build serious muscles and stamina, get to doing cardio, plyo, and weights. Utilize that core. Loads of cross training is key to achieving that lean and mean physique. As the months go by, I could focus on improving form and increasing speed for each set of exercises.

Ten months on. Weight has hovered around 50 - 51kg. At 161cm, that's a very acceptable weight. It hasn't dropped. Not really. Hurrah. Apparently it’s now time for me to start eating more. My fats are burning up quickly and the muscle mass isn't sufficient. I’m aiming to gain 2kg to pile on muscles, but clearly I’m not eating enough. How to eat more when my stomach refuses to cooperate?! Eating more = indigestion. Ugh. As it is, I normally eat four small fairly clean meals a day.

February saw a body fat mass of 10.4kg (20.6%), and December sees 9.7kg (19.6%). Not a big difference. Looking at the breakdown, some stubborn fats have been lost, and abs and some muscles have been built. Stamina has greatly improved. Obviously I haven't bulked up because I didn't do anything close to that scale. Am lean, but nowhere near the lean-ness of runners or swimmers. At 39 years old, I'm now 50kg of muscles and possess sufficient strength to do pull-ups. Let's hope I can keep this up next year. Okay, I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse. 💪🏻🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧠⚔️🤩


Cavalock said...

Hah, you made me look for my old printout but I can't find it. Oh well, heading to my workout in 30 mins.

jo said...

You may have 2 sunny side up eggs later :D

imp said...

cavalock: when we're feeling sociable, we should get to a class together! i never know what to do with myself on the grid floor.

jo: HA! hmmm. i just had two soft boiled eggs this morning. i eat SO MANY eggs.