Saturday, June 09, 2018

Lobsters & A 37th Birthday!

Hopped in to Pince & Pints again for trusty lobsters for dear V's birthday dinner. It was meant to be a surprise dinner. Her partner organized it and gathered the few of us to dinner. So sweet lah! I don't seem to be very good at keeping surprises like this a secret. I kept avoiding texting V too much, just in case I texted the wrong chat window. HAHAHAH. The other chat window was active with planning for this dinner. M got gifts, and G got a gigantic bunch of flowers.

I tried to squirm my way out of a birthday dinner with V, even suggesting that if she was to be taken out on a romantic date, then that wouldn't include me! Hahahah. She pooh-poohed it and said we would be all have having dinner together on this date. DOHHHHH. Okaaaay, no more surprises there already lah. But she mustn't know about the others. Hurhurhurhur. On the evening itself, I was a tad busy collecting cake for her and all that, so I didn't even text her my usual, "See you later! On my way to Pince & Pints!" She must have been wondering why the heck is this imp so silent?! 😂

Marked V's 37th with a table full of friends, laughter and love, and celebrated her, this wonderful girl and great friend to us. Happy that I got some lovely photos of the group at dinner, and contributed towards some fun memories for the girlfriend.

With each passing year, we shift priorities and re-evaluate goals versus values. May you live your life with intent as you make these shifts to live a life with renewed purpose (on your terms). Happy Birthday, V! You are very much loved!

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