Tuesday, July 24, 2018

M’s 43rd!

Celebrated M’s birthday at Handlebar. His lovely partner S organized the party and it's awesome that many of us could turn up. It was a casual get-together of friends who see M often, but of course not all of us know one another, so it was a good night of conversation and fun.

It has always been a drinks sort of place (with bar bites) and tonight was perfect for it. The relentless heat and humidity seem to have abated in the night, and it was almost cool sitting outdoors. I forgot about putting on insect repellent, but in a group like this, I'm not going to be eaten alive by mozzies. Hahahah. I had zero mozzie bites.

The man and I couldn’t stay out too late as he had a flight to catch. But it was great to see everyone and get drinks in such enjoyable and sane company. It was gladsome to see M’s social circles from music and biking come together, joined by bits of his office and volunteer work mates. 🏍🎸

Happy Birthday M! Here's to many more years of friendship. Here's to your health, and to many more safe and meaningful looong rides!

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