Saturday, August 25, 2018

Almost There!

This is a crazy period at work for the man. He's facing loads of changes and challenges, and plenty of work trips out for a week or two at a time since June. He thoughtfully asked if I would be okay handling the bulk of the renovation and accompanying nitty-gritty details on my own. I almost cackled. YES. ABSOLUTELY.

The man's not uncontactable. Time differences, sure, but there aren't any major issues to that. I do not need his permission or approval or whatever. This isn't a 'boss and subordinate' relationship. I'd prefer to handle all of it myself, and checking in with the man now and then. In fact, I'd rather make all the executive decisions. Hurhurhur. But yes, communication channels are open and updated.

Of course the man has a say. He knows when to open his mouth. I only need to manage his sense of logistics and timing. If what he wants can't be done, I'll take a deep breath and patiently explain why. I know that not everyone understands plumbing, electricals and such. 😂 I literally wilted when I realized that the man didn't know how to manually draw or open the blinds. OMG. (He has never had blinds in any apartment ever. It has always been curtains or motorized hotel blinds.) No wonder he wants motorized blinds in the new flat!!!

So glad I factored in time for delays and hiccups. Water pipe holes, leaks and all, the entire renovation schedule has been pretty much adhered to. It honestly hasn't been stressful, only because I treat it like how I deal with work projects. I love looking into details and looking for solutions to niggly problems. The man and I are making this into a livable space, not a showroom. I knew what I'm willing to let go of and what I'm not. Chips, rough surfaces and imperfections make this flat a home. And I know every story behind a dink or a scratch.

Chuckled to myself when I assembled all our IKEA items. The contractor had earlier offered one of his workmen to come fix it for me on a separate day later on. But I had time that day. IKEA items don't require much thought or work, except for a screwdriver and spanner. The DIY instructions are really clear; everything is literally idiot-proof. With the digital door lock installed, the renovation is winding down. What's left is to clean house, have all the furniture delivered, and hope nothing else breaks down. 🤞🏻

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