Thursday, August 23, 2018

Power Reels

I'm still musing about the possibilities of working out at home. Keeping a mental layout of portable and lightweight exercise equipment to have at home. Of course these are in addition to a mat, and two inflatable balls. The MOTR is one option. I’m also seriously considering buying Power Reels for home workouts. Currently I only use Power Reels at the gym's Reformer HIIT classes.

Forget the yellows. The blues go at a five-pound weight resistance (2.2kg) and the reds go at eight pounds (3.6kg). Each Power Reel weighs under one kilogram. Power Reels seem to work those arm muscles differently, and my deltoids can get fatigued by using the blue to stretch out for 30-second blocks for three rapid sets, straight arms. I’m more focused on form, and am not quite bothered with using the red for now.

There's the standard use of body resistance, which is what I'm used to doing when pressed for time in the hotel room or for a short bit at home. I think I can do a good workout at home with these exercise aids. The issue is, would I be disciplined enough to use them? I can happily stretch every day and incorporate press-ups, but to willingly do mountain climbers and resistance training every other day? I’m not so sure. Hahahaha. Acquiring all these items to take up space at home isn’t the best idea if I can’t justify their existence. Heading to the gym and using its equipment is a form of motivation for me, and a great way of decluttering the home!

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