Thursday, September 20, 2018


Hakumai has been given a fresh new look earlier in April, and Chef Gary and his team still serves up decent local style sushi and sashimi. I've gone by only twice since the renovation, and I miss the easy food.

Popped in for dinner with V that evening. It felt like I hadn't sat down to a leisurely dinner with her for a loooong time.The day started at 7am and it was mad busy. Luckily I had time to have a quick shower before heading out for dinner.

I was very hungry! There was a beautifully treated piece of abalone. Mmm. Asked for it with a little bit of angel hair pasta, zero truffle oil. It was super delicious. Couldn't resist having the sea urchin as well, with seaweed. There's always space for uni. It's hard for me to resist good awabi and uni. Love the umami.

V and I can eat a lot of fish. So we went for a grilled kuromutsu as well. Small-ish at 600g and more than sufficient to share. We could still stuff in a few pieces of sushi. We couldn't squeeze in ten pieces lah; maybe about eight pieces each. Winner piece of fish for sushi that night was a sea robin, or a familiar name for me, a red gurnard (方々魚). It was so delicious that I asked for a second piece!

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