Saturday, October 20, 2018

Back on the Sandbag

I've missed being away from the sandbag. Work and social obligations stole time from my usual boxing-cardio classes at the gym. My krav maga instructor went on home leave for three months, so I didn't get to practice. Now that he's back, the sparring sessions are intense. I also could return to the gym's boxing-cardio classes, it felt so good to be back in the routine.

The gym's classes are just another way to keep fit. Couldn't help cackling at one class when I ended up sharing a sandbag with a never-met male partner; he went light on his hits, but I hit per normal and scared the shit out of him. I do not strike the bag gentle, neither do I go all out with uncontrolled strength. It's a lovely sound though, when feet or gloves make contact with the bag. I think the dude wailed when I matched him press-ups for press-ups (because we had to clap our opposite hands after each one), and he yelled for a break at number 35 in the one minute allocated. 😂 This is why I can't have my weight drop. I need to eat enough to retain muscles, and maintain calorie burn so that I have enough power and strength to do what I need to do at krav maga classes and whatever else, like lifting furniture.

My krav maga classes offer better coaching of techniques and tactics. They give me great satisfaction. I don't deny it, the fight is a thrill. I'm not into boxing per se. Boxing matches don't interest me at all. It's self-defense that I'm keen on. It's never about how well I fight. It's about fending off the first attack and neutralizing my opponent so that at the first chance, I run damn far away.

It unnerves me that no matter how well-trained I am in these scenarios, it's woefully inadequate for actual combat situations. I can't think of more than three occasions when I'm actually involved in a real fight that usually ends up at the police station. I won't be prepared for a sneak attack by the most untrained assailant(s). This, coming from a girl who has been practicing judo since five years old. I can only try to hasten my reaction time so that if there isn't a stab wound or debilitating first blow, I can crawl up and hit back. Krav maga gives me additional leverage to all the training I've had. The strikes, holds and blocks must be practiced over and over and over again so that they become muscle memory and imbued into my instincts.

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