Thursday, November 01, 2018

Goodbye Uncle K

Tonight, today, tomorrow, and for a long time more, the man and I mourn the loss of Uncle K who passed away peacefully after an eight-year battle with cancer. Nine years ago, at super short notice, he took time out from his hectic schedule to officiate our marriage as a Justice of Peace. He didn’t even hesitate in agreeing. We’re still not sure how much juggling his assistant had to do to shift his schedule around.

He’s a dear dear friend’s father, a friend whom the man has known for two decades and counting. She and her husband (then boyfriend) saved the man’s ass in law school by loaning him their notes so that he could scrape by the exams. Ha! I’m glad to know her and the husband, and form a genuine friendship with them. They’re such wonderful, amazing, witty people whose company and conversations are always a pleasure to look forward to. She is the only person who bakes me the most delicious chocolate-Guinness cake, which in fact, is the best I’ve had to date.

We remember the many afternoons of ice kachang and cheng tng at SICC. We appreciated the advice he dished out to us when we were mulling over career options. We remember his kindness and our conversations at his dining table.

Thank you for the many many crates of beautiful Sassicaia 2008 and 2009, and offering us the only bottles and expressions of Macallan we enjoy, and the gift of that prized pack of Da Hong Pao that I've hoarded till this day. You’d have had a fearsome reputation at work. But you’re never just the ‘Chairman’ or 'CE'; you’ll always be ‘Uncle K’ to us. We choose to remember your warmth and generosity.

We will miss you. Farewell, Uncle K.