Saturday, December 29, 2018

Ending The 2018 Gym Run Strong

Popped into the last class at the gym for 2018. It's been a good run. Stayed injury-free too. I felt it keenly this year, and I'm finally at where I want to be for strength, speed and flexibility. Pilates continue to strengthen my core and deepen flexibility. Hopefully the health and body keep up.

I've really cut down on alcohol, laid off vitamins and supplements this year. You know how I feel about bioavailability and such. This year's consumption of vitamins and whatever supplements has been virtually zero. I do not touch Chinese medicine or even herbal teas or infusions. These do nothing for my body or psychological well-being. I eat and sleep very well, thank you. That's more than sufficient to get the necessary nutrients. I've had to fight off bugs and such, of course. It's pretty much been antihistamines, Neuflo or Panadol. And Crystal Tomato. I haven't wrapped my head around those yet.

Pleased that I picked up weight training. Please ah, doing this kind of weight training will never give me the bulk of female bodybuilders. That is a bloody myth. We will never train hard enough or eat enough or possess that sort of discipline to get that ripped. LES MILLS GRIT™ Strength classes have given me such a great anaerobic workout and helped me do press-ups like never before. Woooohoooo. I'm glad to have maintained the weight, but toned up overall, and shaved off the leftover fats and work them into muscles. This is optimal health. I'm physically very much stronger than in 2016, very close to my fittest at 20 years old. Grinned at the weighing machine and body mass index machine that day. Didn't bother to step on it. There's no need for any verification or whatever. I know.

I totally look forward to continuing with this schedule next year. As much as I hate to admit it, the gym membership is proving absolutely beneficial. I'm not someone who will whine about wanting to be fit, and stay whiny. I will make it happen. I work hard at it, and make time for it. Luckily for me, it's an enjoyable pursuit, and it's not difficult prioritizing it. Trust me, with the obliques getting stronger and some serious arm muscles built, it has never been easier getting down on my knees to mop the kitchen or bathroom floor with a kitchen towel.

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