Thursday, March 14, 2019

Quick & Dirty Nitrates In A Bowl

I hadn't found a chance to boil up a pot of laap mei fan for myself. I do this every year around the Lunar New Year. But since I ran out of lupcheong and only just replenished my stock, I could only do this now.

I was exhausted from a long week, and resolutely declined all invitations and went home at 5pm for a quiet night in. The week had been crazy busy till I hadn't had much alone-time. With the man away on a work trip, it was the perfect time to indulge in my 臘味飯 (laap mei fan). He likes to put pieces of chicken to do claypot rice, and he prefers to use brown rice. I don't. No chicken, want white rice. I'm focused- it's all about the salt and nitrates yo! Full on! I don't even bother with faking nutrition when I do this 'claypot rice' meal. #ImpieCooks2019

Tonight, I decided to cheat by using the electric rice cooker. Heh. Took out a piece of lupcheong and a piece of yuncheong. Didn't put in the waxed duck breast. Too much nitrates already! (I'll dedicate another bowl of nitrates to the waxed duck breast another day.) Didn't even bother with buying vegetables on my way home. Didn't feel like having them in the meal since lunch was a giant happy plate of salad. Soaked a few pieces of dried mushrooms while I went off to shower and sort out the laundry.

Found a half a cup of jasmine white rice grains in a ziplock. Used that instead of brown rice. If I want to go the whole hog of a cholesterol salt and sugar bomb, might as well do steamed white rice, which would completely soak up the oils from the preserved meat. And, white rice cooks faster than brown. I was really hungry. Diced up shallots. I like to add them raw into the bowl, just to cut across the oil and salt.


Liverella said...

Yum yum yum... I prefer to eat one really healthy meal and one naughty, delicious meal in a day than 2 half past six meals... no satisfaction at all 😅

imp said...

Your method sounds delicious. Heh. As long as your stomach is happy, it should work!