Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fish Curry and Roasted Vegetables

The man uses much more complicated methods of prepping ingredients and cooking. I used to dread having to clean up after him because his sense of logistics uhhh isn’t very good and he has never had to clean up anything in his life (少爺病). Hahahaha. However, a few painful weeks of ‘training’ yielded passable results. Nowadays, it isn’t too bad cleaning up the kitchen after he tears through it.

For dinner, the man prepped a lovely pot of fish curry with barramundi fillets, and I put a tray of cauliflower and pumpkin into the oven to roast. A tiny half cup of basmati rice provided carbs to the meal. The man found my stash of gorgeous big dried red chillies. And announced that he was stealing three for the curry. Pfffft. He was experimenting with a mix of regular assam and the black assam (kudampuli). He wanted to see how they would turn out in a fish curry before attempting Aunty J's fabulous fish curry recipe.

I’m almost ready to go full vegetarian. I’m not going to yell bloody murder if my soup contains fish sauce or bonito flakes, or my pasta holds bacon or my vegetables are stir-fried with chirimen. I’m supposed to lower the intake of beef and pork, and cut down MORE on alcohol. I'm soooo pleased that the last two years' drastic decrease of alcohol have put me in good stead. That said, I'm not going to ignore a glass of umeshu or red wine every now and then.

Meanwhile, bring on all the sambal, chillies, curries and dhal. Yummy.

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