Saturday, April 06, 2019

Meeting Little S

Little S checking out her Missy Messy dresses.

It was my first hello with my brand-new god-daughter S who's visiting Singapore for the first time. I didn't want to miss this window, otherwise I'd have to fly out eight hours to see her. So I stayed away for a night at the hotel while the man recuperated at home from acute bronchitis and had to adhere to a strict ban of no alcohol, no sugar and no steamed chicken. (Macam quarantine period.) I didn't want to carry any fierce germs to the children or their parents.

Little S turns one in two months. She seems spunky, much more so than her elder sister, L. Okay, can.  She's quite darling. The BFF can deal with four-year-old sister better since they're all about glitter, Hello Kitty, frills, ribbons and such. The BFF is the girls' Aunt. Hurhurhur. When the BFF learnt that her sister was going to have a second daughter, she coerced me to be the godmother, and made me come up with a list of Chinese names for the younger girl.

The little one didn't protest when I picked her up. She didn't even whimper at this stranger. FWAAAH. It wasn't like her parents remained in her line of sight all the time. She was all like ‘Helllooooo.’ I walked away with her for a stroll, and she was all chill and curious about her surroundings. Children are so fun at this age. They cannot walk or talk much (Little S signs), so I don't have to expend energy chasing after them, or answering their thousand questions or fill their waking moments with meaningful activities.

The children's 7pm bedtime means that we'll always eat dinner early. Went out for some tapas and drinks that evening. Food was served before 6pm. Wooohoo! It was fine by me because my last bite of food was at 11am. I was actually starving and was very pleased to be seated outside in the cool-enough evening breeze under a huge ceiling fan. Hahaha. Two glasses of red sangria completed the delightful meal.

Grow up hale and hearty, S. Stay grounded in this crazy world. I hope we'll leave enough of unspoilt nature trails and gorgeous bodies of water for you to explore.

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