Wednesday, May 01, 2019

'GoT S8 E3 The Long Night' & 'Avengers: Endgame'

I tend to read spoilers and plot summaries before watching a film or reading a book. Hahaha. I really don't mind them. It helps with decision-making and it doesn't waste my time doing either activity that I'll abandon a quarter way through. I've dropped a book three chapters in, and walked out of the cinema many times. I really dislike allocating time to finish a mediocre movie or book. Or something that’s too cerebral. Hurhurhur.

It's safe to be back online now. 😂


'Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3' and 'Avengers: Endgame'.


For all of last week and the whole of Monday, I've assiduously avoided the internet, and barely glimpsed at social media feeds because, spoilers! I've also managed to royally ignore words associated with these two shows. Hurhurhur. GoT S8 E3 'The Long Night' and the final wrap for Avengers: Endgame. The latter is self-explanatory because at this point, we've all ignored the comics. This film ends our generation of superheroes on screen in the MCU. Same goes for GoT, we've ditched the books by Season 2, and threw everything behind our favorite characters, culminating in this week's epic 'The Battle of Winterfell'.

There're tons of trolls out there, including idiots on my 'friends' feed. I have half a mind to unfriend them. But I simply shove them into low priority lists so that I don't see their posts often. It's fairly obvious why they're just acquaintances whom I don't even bother engaging much on social media, and I don't make any effort to include them IRL. I WISH YOU TROLLS SPOTTY INTERNET CONNECTION ON EVERY DEVICE FOR THE REST OF MAY.

Let's just say that the Starks had a great run on film and television. 😂 I loved them!!! It has been a long time since I sat down to watch films with full concentration without multi-tasking. (I'm not as interested in 'Stranger Things' and 'Star Wars' happening later on in the year.) I have no idea how other films' battle scenes will win the epic-ness of these two. Well, there're some fairly doubtful battle strategies at play in GoT. Sending a Dothraki charge into the night without using them as scouts was really uncalled for. I was a bit miffed at the show producers for their decision to wipe out the Dothrakis and most of their horses. At the end of 'The Long Night', all I cared about was watching the trailer for Episode 4 because I needed to know if Ghost, Drogon and Rhaegal are okay. AND JON SNOW STILL KNOWS NOTHING. 🙄

Between now and next Monday, we'll be furiously reading theories of prophecies (how accurate is Melisandre and indirectly, the Lord of Light) and eye colors, and I'm eagerly waiting for the appearances of Ghost, and Nymeria and her pack. 

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