Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Our September Chicken Rice Party!

When L called for a chicken rice party, we all saved the date, and a few days before the party, we volunteered our contributions to food and such. Remember, NEVER SAY NO WHEN L COOKS CHICKEN RICE. You say thank you and eat every grain of that rice knowing that your friend loves the table enough to make the effort to cook a whole damn pot to feed 12 people.

I'm still amazed at how everybody obediently blocked our calendars like... three months ago for this F1 weekend. None of us are keen on the F1 cocktails, parties and shows. It says a lot when we ignored Red Hot Chili Peppers (just kill me; they’re passé), Muse (too many times) and Gwen Stefani (NO), and only cared about how Hans Zimmer will sound at an outdoor venue like the Padang.

The hosts are ever generous with their food, wine and hearth. Honestly, without their efforts, we'd be lazier and meet less often as life and work get in the way. Yes, we can meet in twos or threes, and here and there. However, it feels special when everyone takes the effort to spend many hours together in a night. You know how it is with groups, someone has to lead in deciding a date and organizing stuff, but as long as the rest follows with not much protests, gatherings will always happen.

My night tinged with a thin red streak of regret. [Choya had a spat with the resident dog. Again. There was blood. Poor Maddie. The man and I let both dogs down. I'm still upset. I can’t have Choya react with this sort of aggression.] I sought refuge in gorgeous glasses of white. There were many bottles imbibed. They were all delicious. September is coming to an end, and soon, another year will pass us by. I looked at the table and smiled. Will we still have one another's backs next September? Yes. 🤞🏻🤘🏻

L also made roast pork! Siew yoke! She's got that crackling down pat.

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