Friday, October 04, 2019

Mutton Mysore at Gokul

It was one of those random texts, "We're going to Gokul for lunch at 1.15pm. It's last minute but you guys wanna come with?" OH YES. WE WANT TO!!! It's always good to see these friends and have a chat.

There was an hour till 1.15pm. Plenty of time for us to toddle to Gokul. The man and I had no plans today anyway, and were thinking of where to head out to lunch. We hadn't seen the friends for a while, and they've only just got back from another long trip, and we missed them. Food at Gokul is always great, so why not.

There was nyonya laksa, which I really like. But today I wanted rice and the mutton mysore. There was a craving to be satisfied. The man went there the other night with his mates and didn't tapau anything for me. Pfffft. I would have preferred a pilaf of sorts, but the man wanted sambar rice. Like rice doused in sambar. I no like wet rice and wet vegetables. But okay lor, I shall eat it so as not to waste food. Ordering another pilaf would just be too much carbs going on.

I obviously didn't know that Gokul offers specials of roasted chicken rice and nasi lemak on weekends. Until D requested for the nasi lemak. Obviously the friends frequent Gokul a lot more than we do. When the nasi lemak arrived, I was like, wah, it's got sambal goreng! I stole a spoonful of her rice. Delicious.

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